Ethics & Compliance

Ethics & Compliance

Ethics & Compliance Helpline

TTX employees are encouraged to report illegal, improper, unethical or unsafe behavior within the Company. Employees may seek advice from their supervisor, department leadership. Human Resources, or the Compliance Officer at 312.984.3938. If an employee is uncomfortable calling these contacts, he or she may call the TTX Ethics and Compliance Helpline.

Toll-free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
(You may remain anonymous)


As TTX works to maintain the highest ethical standards in its business practices, we also encourage our suppliers, customers, and others who suspect illegal or unethical behavior by or involving TTX employees to report said conduct to TTX’s Ethics & Compliance Helpline.


Retaliation for good faith reporting of apparent or actual violation of the law, regulation, TTX Company Code of Conduct, or Company Policies & Procedures will not be tolerated.

Download ‘TTX Company’s Code of Conduct’


Download ‘TTX Company’s Supplier Conduct Guide’